|Scholarly Open Access Journals, Peer-Reviewed, and Refereed Journal, Impact Factor-8.152 (Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Multidisciplinary, Bi-Monthly, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)|
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)of IJMRSETM is 10.15680 which is assigned by CrossRef.
A DOI is a type of persistent identifier used to uniquely identify objects. The DOI system is particularly used for electronic documents such as journal articles. The DOI system began in 2000 and is managed by the International DOI Foundation.
DOI means "digital identifier of an object" rather than "identifier of a digital object".
Metadata about the object is stored in association with the DOI name. It may include a location, such as a URL , where the object can be found. The DOI for a document remains fixed over the lifetime of the document, whereas its location and other metadata may change. Referring to an online document by its DOI provides more stable linking than simply referring to it by its URL, because if its URL changes, the publisher only needs to update the metadata for the DOI to link to the new URL.
A DOI name differs from standard identifier registries such as the Journal Research Paper. The purpose of an identifier registry is to manage a given collection of identifiers, whereas the primary purpose of the DOI system is to make a collection of identifiers actionable and interoperable.
Organizations that meet the contractual obligations of the DOI system and are willing to pay to become a member of the system can assign DOIs. The DOI system is implemented through a federation of registration agencies coordinated by the International DOI Foundation, which developed and controls the system.